Best Diamond Color

When it comes to buying a diamond, what most people notice first is the color. Color refers to the diamond’s natural body color. So, the color of a diamond serves as one of the important factors that affects the value of this precious gem. The white diamonds are the finest and most expensive. A trace of brownish or yellowish tint is showed mostly on those diamonds. But there also are diamonds in every color of the rainbow. One an say that the most beautiful diamonds are simply natural colored diamonds.

How to evaluate a diamond color?

royal blue diamond ring

There are color differences in white diamonds, from one grade to the next subtle one. A mounted diamond has a low chance of seeing the differences between the grades. Always remember that a mounted diamond can’t have an accurate grade color. However, even a non-diamond expert can spot the color differences of the stones in an unmounted diamond when viewed properly.

Due to the dispersion and high brilliance of the diamonds, the color grade can’t be accurately determined by just having a look on the stone from the top, or face-up, position. The best thing to do in observing the color is to examine the stone by the pavilion with the table down. You can do this by making use of a flat white surface such as a grading trough, a white business card, or the Gemological Institute of America (GIA). Then, you can view the stone with the pavilion side down and the culet that is pointing toward you.

What is diamond body color?

When we talk about the diamond body color, we talk about the huge amount of brown or yellow tint that is seen on a white or colorless diamond. Countries like America and Russia are grading most of their white diamonds in an alphabetical scale starting from the letter D, meaning it is the rarest, finest, and most colorless diamond that continues down to letter Z. Each letter next to the letter D means an increased amount of brownish or yellowish tinge to the body color.

Understanding the diamond body color is easy. You just have to keep in mind that the letters closer to the letter D indicates a whiter diamond while the letters closer to the letter Z indicates a more yellowish or brownish diamond.

The grading system with its corresponding letters is part of the diamond grading system of the Gemological Institute of America (GIA). It is widely used in the diamond trade all over the world. Grades E to F is exceptionally fine diamonds and can be referred to as colorless although E and F are technically not colorless since there is a very slight trace of yellow. However, the trade agrees them to be referred to as colorless.

What color grade is most desirable?

The diamonds having the colors D to F are all grouped as exceptionally white or colorless diamonds. They are commonly described with this by the diamond dealers. The colors G and H are referred to as rare white or fine white. All these grades are considered as very good. I and J colors are slightly tinted white. The colors K and L are showing a yellowish or brownish tint but usually mask the slight tint by settings. The colors M to Z show a progressive more tint color and have a definite yellowish or brownish cast. Diamonds having a strong yellowish or brownish tint are commonly referred to as cape stones in trade.

The diamond color D to J seems to have a better resale potential compared to the K to Z diamond color. This does not imply that a very tinted diamonds means it is unattractive or undesirable. They can still be a lovely piece of jewelry considering the other quality factors of a diamond and the overall personality color as well. Always remember that even if the diamond color is important, it is just one of the four factors that you should learn in weighing your judgment to the whole stone. There is a website that provides good and general information on diamond color – Yourdiamondteacher.

Diamond 4Cs

What does the 4Cs of diamonds stand for?

diamond jewelry rings and braceletsThey are the carat, cut, color, and clarity. When buying a diamond, the relevance of these parameters is very high since they influence the quality and the beauty of the diamond. In this article, you will know what these 4Cs are. So, keep reading.

The first ‘C’ is the carat weight of the diamond. One carat is about 200 milligrams so a diamond with less than one carat is usually the equivalent of one one-hundredth of a carat (2 mg, or 0.01 carat). Generally, the diamond’s price per carat increases directly proportional to the diamond’s carat weight. The larger the size of the diamond means the higher the cost. Hence, this factor should be adapted to the preferences and the budget.

Perhaps, the cut of a diamond is the most important of the 4Cs and can improve the overall quality, value, and beauty of that diamond. There will be a less sparkle if the diamond has a poor cut and might not show the full actual visual size to the weight ratio too. This is frequently the case with the USA-based diamonds that are under the expensive “hearts & arrows” or the “ideal” diamond cut. These cuts are set to its proportions that allow the visual size to be impaired when there’s a comparison of a diamond cut to another set of proportions.

Color is another important factor of a diamond. The color ranges from the whitest “D” to the most yellow “Z.” The first 5 colors belong in the “white” range, while the next three belong to the “light-tinted” range and “tinted” range from L down.

Your personal preference and your budget will determine the diamond color of your choice. However, don’t go for the color below the “K” color range if you plan to get a diamond set in white metal. The “H” color range is the borderline for the eye that doesn’t perceive any diamond “tints.”

The fourth important factor is the clarity. It ranges from internally flawless (IF) through VVS1, VVS2, VS1, VS2, SI1, SI2, I1, I2 to I3. The ‘V’ stands for ‘very’, the ‘S’ for ‘slight’, and the ‘I’ for ‘inclusion.’

Diamonds from SI2 below will not be eye-clean. This means the flaws or imperfections will be seen with the naked eye. Once within the I2 to I3 imperfection the refractive qualities of the diamond will be impaired too. Imperfections can be colored as well as kept to white and can be situated on the side or in the center of the diamond. In this way, it will influence the value of the diamond. 

Lastly, there is a 5th important factor when buying diamonds; that is the confidence that you have for yourself and your supplier. Best of luck in buying your diamond jewelry. May you find the one that best suits your personality and budget.

What is a Diamond Cut?

pendant with green gemstone

A lot of people, most especially women, are truly thrilled about diamonds, and therefore the saying “diamond is a girl’s best friend”. Nevertheless, what many do not know is the fact that many diamond cuts are available for people to choose from, and this article will give a brief background on these various cuts.


The first of all the diamond cuts that people could choose from are the round diamonds – aside from being the most basic cut there is in the market, round diamonds are also considered as the most famous. A lot of people still choose to pick round diamonds when talking about engagement rings.



For this particular cut, people should expect a rectangular shape. For some unexplainable reason, diamonds with a rectangular shape have a really elegant look and feel to it; in addition to this, people will also be unable to resist looking at a rectangular diamond with at least 70 facets.



In addition to the mentioned above, a lot of people are also unaware that they often see princess cut diamonds in jewelry stores. Next to the round diamonds, this has got to be the next in the list of the most popular ones; even though this diamond has a regular square shape, people are truly fascinated because out of all the available diamond cuts, this one highlights a unique and modified cut that is not present on other diamond cuts.



The next is the oval shape diamond; people also patronize this cut because of the simple fact that its symmetry is very relaxing to look at. In addition to this, women with short fingers love to have this type of cut over the other diamond cuts because it can make the fingers of women look longer – and this is something that not all the other diamond cuts can do.

With all the mentioned diamond cuts that people could choose from, it would not be surprising to know that some people have a hard time determining which one of these is the one that they prefer considering that all of them are beautiful.



Another diamond that is on the list of the most unique diamond cuts that are available in the market is the marquise diamond. Even though this is not as popular as the others, many are still intrigued by its elongated shape; to explain further about its shape and its pointed tips, this is supposed to depict the smile of Marquise de Pompadour. This stone among all the other diamond cuts are usually seen in a smaller version when used in different types of jewelry.



The pear cut is just like the marquis cut but with one end rounded and one end pointed. This diamond cut is adding an elongating and slimming to the ring finger. Also, it is considered as one of the classic diamond shapes. Furthermore, this type of diamond cut is very popular in necklaces and earrings which gives the impression of length.



Compared to the other cuts that have been mentioned above, the heart shape diamond can be considered as one of the favorites of a lot of women for the most obvious reason – it has the shape of a heart. Most of the diamonds for this cut are shaped to resemble a pear, but with only a slit at the top part. Also, a lot of people, especially women indeed feel that among all the available diamond cuts, this is the most romantic; the only problem with this cut is that it is not that easy to achieve.